Classical Groundwork
for Straightness & Balance...
for Straightness & Balance...
How the position of the head and jaw affects the hip and hind leg
What natural asymmetry is and how it effects your ride
Why the horse needs to be in a C shape to be straight
What primary exercise creates straightness in your horse
How to get a horse to bend and soften correctly
How to avoid the horse falling in or out on a shoulder or hind leg
What the Academic Aids are and how to apply them
When and how to train Shoulder in and Haunches in and their counter exercises
How the Pirouette is used to build collection
Click the green button to purchase your Classical Groundwork Course and get your horse straight and balanced...
on your journey into Lightness
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Let's get started! Why Groundwork for Balance?
What tools do you need to train Classical Groundwork?
FAQ's on how to go about training...
Step #1: Stellung and Bending - Asymmetrical Horses
Downward Rotation of Body Parts - Stellung and Bending
Shoulder in Forward Down on the Circle
Shoulder Fore on a Two Track
Shoulder in from the Ground on Fence
Shoulder In Troubleshooting - Falling on the Outside Shoulder
Shoulder Crossing for Lightness
Haunches in from the Ground
Haunches In - For the First Time With a Green Horse
Training on the Half Pass On and Off the Fence
Start Working Pirouette (travers pirouette)
Indirect Pirouette (renvers pirouette)
Example of Combining Lateral Groundwork Exercises
Cueing the 4 Academic Aids from a Standstill
Lesson with a Student: Taking the Half Halt into Shoulder In/Haunches In
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about Celie Weston & Artful Riding